Website Development

The internet is an informational medium with immense power—and websites are the informational building blocks of the internet. With the low cost of domain acquisition, hosting, and public domain tools for website development, websites provide a very low barrier to entry for the plethora of missions they engage. Further, website information is available and accessible to the majority of the world’s population …every moment of every day.

Students require proficiencies with website development, deployment, maintenance to substantially benefit their own lives and entrepreneurial endeavors, as well as for the functionalities of the enterprises for which they will work.

Specifically, students will need to learn the basic concepts of domain registration and hosting. Students should be familiar with the public-domain tools for website development including WordPress and themes. Students should demonstrate proficiency in creating a simple informational website with text, images, and navigation. Students should understand techniques to improve page loading—including use of appropriately sized images/files and the use of tags and categories to improve search engine optimization.

Action Plan:

Educational Institutions will need to have and provide students with hardware and software resources, including access to a simple server capable of hosting reusable website domains and achieving the objectives outlined above.

Educational content providers will be expected to provide standardized training to both educators and to students that meet industry quality standards with the goal of instilling proficiency and self-sufficiency in the subject matter. Hardware, software and course materials should be fairly priced and free from overt marketing bias.