Video Editing & Production

The manner in which knowledge and information is transferred is undergoing a major transformation. Electronic slide presentations were introduced to the general market in 1987 and voraciously utilized in education and business. Today, video presentations are becoming far more prevalent; being used for education, the news industry, marketing, product instruction, social publications, Enterprise Knowledge Management (EKM), etc.

Unfortunately, students are still being trained in the less dynamic presentation mediums popular decades ago. Consider the limitations; slide presentations typically provide the audience a series of informational points despite the presenter only being able to discuss the information serially, one point at a time. This challenges presentors and invariably impairs the concentration of the viewer. Video presentations provide for a more exacting presentation of verbal information congruent with the supporting visual cues or images.

Students will need to learn the basic concepts of video editing—including the canvas, timeline, layers, media assets & asset filetypes. Students will need proficiencies with moving assets along a timeline and manipulation of layers to achieve simple objectives. Finally, students will need an understanding of project export & sharing appropriate to various mediums.

Action Plan:

Educational Institutions will need to have and provide students with hardware and software resources capable of the video editing objectives outlined above.

Educational content providers will be expected to provide standardized training to both educators and to students that meet industry quality standards with the goal of instilling proficiency and self-sufficiency in the subject matter. Hardware, software and course materials should be fairly priced and free from overt marketing bias.