
Our society has become increasing data driven. Data is mined from our communication, travel, and nearly every interaction we have with our portable electronic devices. Data is used in marketing, politics and—perhaps with greatest individual effect—in conveying the risks and benefits of pharmaceuticals. Statistics is a powerful mathematical tool for the interpretation and conveying of such data; sometimes it can be very helpful—and sometimes it is purposely used to be deceitful.

Today’s students will become the consumers, patients & doctors of the future and must be able to understand presented statistical information to best make informed decisions which can affect their healthcare and finances.

Students must be able to understand the value of statistical information beyond the simple assertations presented. Specifically, an understanding of percent-reduction vs. percent increase, relative risk reduction vs absolute risk reduction, and absolute risk are measures often utilized with intent to deceive an audience.

Action Plan:

Educational Institutions will need to undergo instructor training and provide student training to improve understanding and confidence with presented statistical information. Students should obtain an adeptness to peer beyond presented information to ensure data is being presented fairly and adequately.

Educational content providers will be expected to provide standardized training to both educators and to students that meet quality standards with the goal of instilling a basic understanding inferential statistics. Educational materials should be fairly priced and free from overt marketing bias.